IHischief Again i I PHOTOGRAPHS BY PAUL KAYE STORY BY $2.UU MISCHIEF AGAIN by Enid Blyton and Paul Kaye Here is the second book about the irresistible Laughing Kitten — so en- chanting that all animal-lovers, young or old, will love it. Tinker romps through the pages once more, trying to teach the puppy how to play the gramophone, how to use the camera (in the wrong way !), what a typewriter is or isn't for, and what happens when you try to answer the telephone! Floppy the puppy is only too willing to learn, and to share in all Tinker's mischief. Again the photographs are superb — almost incredibly good in the way they portray these ingenuous young creatures. They are by Paul Kaye, and the story is by that well-loved writer, Enid Blyton. This unusual book will please everyone, and its pages will be turned many times, with delighted chuckles. Once more Paul Kaye, Enid Blyton, and the Kitten have presented us with a truly enchanting book. ROY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK c Mischief Again! PHOTOGRAPHS BY PAUL KAYE STORY BY ROY PUBLISHERS-NEW YORK Library of Congress Catalog Card No, 55-9186 Printed in Great Britain What are Floppy and Tinker up to this morning? Mischief again ! " Floppy, help me to put this record on," says Tinker. 44 Then we can have some music. Careful now!" Now, I'll wind up the gramophone and the music will begin. See, I'm turning the handle — aren't I clever?' "Oh Floppy, why do you sit on the record like that? You're going round and round and round!" &»*"• M ■m fc Tinker, come up here with me. It's tun to go round while the music plays •>•> jJnP ^^Jkw ^ .. | ^^F§*^ 4 Now, isn't this wonderful? Round and round we go — oh, it's getting slower now — it's stopping!' % 'Floppy, get off and I'll wind it up again and put on another record." 'No-/'// get one. Tinker- it's my turn to put one on." v PWs <-.<> ■ss Oh, you bad puppy! You've broken the record — just look at the pieces!' Help me, Tinker — it's sharp, it's hurting me ! Oh, please do take it away ! ?5 4 There you are, poor old Floppy! I've taken it away. Is that better? Cheer up!' "Quick, let's go! Somebody's coming and they sound VERY cross. Run, Floppy, run!' "•'Horfv ********* j**' "Are you hungry, Tinker? I am. There's a nice smell coming from something up on that table. Sniff-sniff! Whatever can it be?" ** ^ *** <**£*'** ..T* I'll go up and see, Floppy. Here I go, climbing up the tablecloth — oooh, it's slipping off the table — help!' x» Hfe SS ■ \/ 1 Sfc^ .* rwfv^Sj ~ gjyu^. if H L . 11 1 \ 1 '*V^V 'm ■ V r /^ CRASH! Whatever 's happened? Was that an earthquake or something? Where are we? Oh dear, what a mess! Floppy, I've cut my paw on that broken cup!' Well, Tinker, lick it better!" 4 Oh Floppy, you've a dreadful bump on your poor little nose! Please do let me kiss that better." 16 Licking is sleepy work. We'll lie down together and have a little nap!' j* «W^ Sp c rawaA Now I'll do a little exploring all on my own. What's this thing up here that people call a camera? Why, it has a little open door ..." "'And inside is a funny little dark room. It will just fit me because I'm not very big." ■ m. %>} *&z ,i« ; .*q.a .. M ,i ;il»Wrti***fjM^W **5*»v" ^^^ ~' , P'£ti^r$!^'~ i ^9^ >$mt-~**- >*■ ■-■ 1 ■mm ~ 'i J ■%£" ■ f J W%Sp* fit »gj Ll '■ S i Yes, I thought so. It's exactly the right size ... I shall hide away from that naughty puppy." W ;<^r*^~. T&^ yfgr* ;--*?#£§ ^ K If Floppy doesn't come to find me soon, I shall be fast asleep and dreaming/' "Hallo, Tinker! I've been looking for you everywhere. Is this a new little kennel? Can I come in?' *^9PPt9PB**^ (.<. T.I It's a camera, silly! I'll take a picture of you, shall I? Oh Floppy, don't stand there listening to the other end you won't hear a thing!' <,(, And it's no use talking into it, either. It isn't a telephone. Really, Floppy, you don't know very much!' 41. Well, Tinker, tell me what to do then. I'll do just what you say! aKsammmKmam 4 Stand right away from the camera, Floppy — there, I've taken a BEAUTIFUL picture of you. You're a very good puppy." IMP. m t4 "Oh thank you, Tinker. I'll give you a kiss for that! ' "Be careful, Floppy, your paws are tipping the camera — be careful!' HHHHH (.<. Oooooh! The camera's falling- get out of the way, Floppy!' <.4 Now look what you've done! Don't let's play with the camera any more. Let's go and look for something else!' What's this, Tinker? Do you know?' Yes, it's a typewriter. I can write a letter with it if I tap these little round keys. Just watch." Floppy, get down! You're spoiling my beautiful letter. You're being naughty again. ?? 1 1 &:»* "I'm sorry, Tinker. Don't look so angry. I'll come and put your letter right for you if you'll let me." 6 Oh Floppy, you can't use a typewriter upside down like that. Don't be silly ! " *2* Iff 4m .j: ^ t Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap ! It's very difficult to type a letter properly. "Do let's have a little rest!' ^? te?m ^*ss If ® T?^ R-r-r-r-ring ! R-r-r-r-ring ! That's the telephone bell ringing, Floppy. I'll show you how to answer it. Just watch what I do ! ' "You lift the receiver off, like this and then you talk into the end with the hole ..." Now I'll try, Tinker — quick, give me the receiver. Oh dear, now I'm all tangled up in the flex ! " * £x$^ 4 Floppy, you are the silliest puppy I ever knew! You're always spoiling things ! I'll give you such a biff on the head ..." <.(. There! That's what happens to little puppies who haven't any brains! Now behave yourself and be quiet." "T^fc - w "I shan't play with you ANY more, Floppy! You can just stay here by yourself. I'm off to look for someone else!' vmM '{•■'i-'-^'r- ■■^■'■■-'f : y ^^St^^rfJy^^' ^*Hi; KCfcjS 3|Jte • ' i$l I 1 :■' $ » $fc?Jj 4 Ah! Here's another kitten to play with. He's sitting on that big round cymbal. I'll jump up on the drum and jab him with the drum-stick!' "Biff! Aren't I clever with the drum-stick? Come down off the cymbal and play with me, kitten!' "What! You won't come? Well, take that then— biff-biff ! " 14 Tinker, stop that, you bad little fellow! I'll soon show you how sharp my claws can be ! ' Jk ' There now, Tinker — you've hit your own nose with the stick — and you've fallen off the drum. It serves you right!' Tinker runs away in a hurry. Ah, what is this — a saucer of milk ! * 4 Just what I feel like!" says Tinker. " Quack, quack — and so do I!' says somebody nearby. m #4 ^^j££* /» Bjj^ t ' i iA '*'i4H' , 'W ■*t,. p * ?3B»- **ae 1 -^»> S* "Quack! Let me have some too! 'Well, duckling — do you have to stand in the saucer? Don't you know better manners than that?" 99 I know how to drink milk just as well as you do, kitten ! Oh dear — I'm getting my feathers all wet." P IS, "You've drunk all the milk, you greedy duckling! Let me lick your feathers dry, then I shall at least have a few drops! I'm tired of puppies and kittens and ducklings. I'll go and talk to that old brown horse. Hallo, Dobbin, what's in your bag?' '?&■■{• Hrrrrrrrrrumph ! Climb up and see, little kitten. I'm eating my dinner and it's very nice. I'll take my nose out and then you can see into the bag. 4 Hey, be careful, kitten — you'll fall in and get lost among my oats there, I thought you'd go head-over-heels ! ' (.<. Peep-bo! Here I am, Dobbin! I don't like your oats and I'm going home. Do you know the way, please? I feel rather lonely." " I'll climb up on top of your gate, Dobbin, and see if I can spy my way home from there. I want Floppy, he's my friend. Oh, I believe I can see him! ' "Yes, it's Floppy. Oh dear, he doesn't seem very pleased to see me. Hallo, Floppy ! I'm back again." ti ^* " iE (.<• (.& So I see, Tinker. I hope you are going to be a good, land kitten now! ' Yes, I am, Floppy. I'm sorry I was naughty. Please be friends with me." Mm life rV ■ <.<. Yes, we'll be friends. Come along and cuddle up to me, Tinker. I missed you dreadfully. But now everything is happy again ! ' THE END $1-75 THE LAUGHING KITTEN by Enid Blyton and Paul Kaye Tinker, the mischievous, laughing little kitten, romps through the pages with his friends the puppies — surely the most natural, lively, lovable kitten that ever faced a camera and didn't know it! The superb photographs are by Paul Kaye and the story is, of course, by that best-loved of all children's writers, Enid Blyton. This book will enchant not only the children, for whom it is written, but also all animal-lovers, no matter how long ago their childhood. This is a merry, amusing, real-life story, with Tinker the Kitten as the gay little hero. Open the book where you like, you will have to smile. Children of all ages will love this book — it is, in fact, that uncommon phenomenon, a book with absolutely no limit in age range — the combina- tion of Enid Blyton and Paul Kaye and the Kitten is quite irresistible. ROY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK Mischief Again I l HOTOGRAPHS BY PAUL KAYE STORY BY £>u!d 0Ct|tov^